Gareth Naylor

Atmospheric paintings of Japan

Watercolor painting of a snow scene on a sunny day with fir trees and a deer by Gareth Naylor

Getting depressed over a disappointing painting

Watercolor painting of a snow scene on a sunny day with fir trees and a deer by Gareth Naylor
Snow scene with a deer

In January of 2024, I painted a lot of snow scenes.

If you watch the video, you will see how many – and this is not all of them.

Anyway, there was one painting I did that was really bad which you can see in the video.

I felt so disappointed with that picture.

And then that feeling of disappointment increased and became a deep depression.

It was so bad that I just put my paintbrush down and went for a walk by my local river.

This was a good idea.

I love walking by the river.

And the sunshine, fresh air and exercise started to disperse that deep depression.

Then later on, I looked through some of my photos on my cell phone and found an image that I really liked and wanted to paint.

And this got me to pick up the paintbrush again.

I think basically I got burn-out with a particular subject matter which in this case was snow scenes because I painted so many pictures of this subject.

The irony is that after painting a different subject matter, my enthusiasm for snow scenes came back and I went on to paint some more snow scenes.

How ridiculous is that.

Anyway, as you can see from the painting above, I did manage to paint some good pictures too.

Well, that’s all for now,
